
oxmol is currently not listed in any package repos while deployment is worked out, but installation from source is fairly easy. Installation has only been tested on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) and with Python 3.7, but should be possible for any system compatible with PyO3. This includes Windows, macOS, Linux and BSD systems and both the Python and PyPy interpreters.


The easiest way to build the Python wheels is to use Maturin, which can be installed via pip.

pip install maturin

You will also need the nightly Rust compiler. If you have not yet installed the Rust toolchain, see the instructions here. The nightly compiler can then be installed and and enabled by running the following two commands:

rustup install nightly
rustup default nightly

To set the default compiler back to stable, run the following command:

rustup default stable

If compiling on macOS, you will need to create a a file at ~/.cargo/config with the following contents in order to set the linker options:

rustflags = [
"-C", "link-arg=-undefined",
"-C", "link-arg=dynamic_lookup",


The Rust component of oxmol depends upon pyo3, molecule and gamma (a graph library) but these should be automatically fetched by Cargo when compiling so there are no dependencies to install manually.

Installation Steps

Clone the repo using git and move into the root folder:

git clone
cd oxmol

Execute the following command from the root of the repo.

maturin build --release

Maturin will compile the Rust component of the library and create a Python wheel containing the Rust and Python components, which are placed in ./target/wheels.

As Maturin will compile a wheel for each interpreter it finds (e.g. the system Python and the interpreter from a Conda environment), there may be multiple versions. You will have to install the version most relevant to your version of Python (e.g. oxmol-0.1.0-cp36... for Python 3.6 and oxmol-0.1.0-cp37... for Python 3.7). The full name of the file will vary depending on your platform.

cd into ./target/wheels and use pip to install the most relevant wheel

cd ./target/wheels
# Update the following command with the most relevant version.
pip install ./oxmol-0.1.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl

You should now be ready to start using oxmol. If you are interested in compiling against a specific version of Python, you can specify the path to the interetreter using the -i flag for Maturin:

maturin build -i $(which python3) --release

For information about other flags, use the Maturin docs.

Installing against PyPy

The latest version of PyPy changed the ABI string format and Maturin hasn’t yet been updated, so you may have to rename the wheel file.

To compile oxmol against PyPy3, use the -i flag for Maturin:

maturin build -i $(which pypy3) --release
cd target/wheels

If you’re using PyPy3 version >= 7.3.1 (where SYSTEM is e.g. linux_x86_64):

mv oxmol-0.1.0-pp3pp73-pypy3_pp73-SYSTEM.whl oxmol-0.1.0-pp36-pypy36_pp73-SYSTEM.whl

Install using PyPy’s pip:

pypy3 -m pip install oxmol-0.1.0-pp36-pypy36_pp73-SYSTEM.whl